Friends Of Southam Primary School (FOSPS)
Friends of Southam Primary School (FOSPS) is a wonderful group made up of parents and staff of Southam Primary School.
The team works incredibly hard during the year organising and hosting a range of events. As well as raising funds for our school, the events are a wonderful opportunity for all members of our community to come together.
Read the latest FOSPS Newsletter here:
FOSPS Committee Members:
Chair: Kerry Barnes
Vice Chair: Lucy Stanley
Acting Treasurer: Allison Frost
Secretary: Hayley Moran
The rest of the team:
Leah Phillips, Kirsty Green, Noory Maliyekal, Caroline King, Rebecca Stevens, Kirsty Cowley, Ruth Waterman, Necia Neal, Kate Smith, Mikki Martin, Severine White, Nicoletta Serena, Sarah Amaira & Nadine Van Rensburg
Event Helpers
If you have any spare time on your hands and feel you could give some time to either help set up, run a stall or pack away at any of our events then let us know. You could leave your details at the school office or talk to any of the FOSPS team.
We can be contacted either in the playground or via the school office or via our email address:
Key Dates 2024
6th March - Mother's Day Sale
15th March - Prize Bingo (Adults Only)
25th April - Reception Class Disco
26th April - Years 1 - 6 Discos
24th May - Break The Rules Day
14th June - Father's Day Sale
29th June - Summer Fair
FOSPS Events Key Information
Cake Sales Come a grab yourself some delicious cakes at our ever popular cake sale. The sales take place after school in the Mini Hall. If you are able to support this event by baking, then please drop cakes off at the school office on the morning of the sale. Please remember we are a nut free school if baking or buying cakes to donate.
School Disco School discos for children in each key stage take place twice a year. The cost will be £2.50 per ticket- to include squash.
Christmas Bazaar This event is held at the end of November each year. It is a great opportunity to meet other members of our school community. Some great games to play and stalls to visit, hot food and a visit from the special man in red, so come and visit him in his grotto. Some excellent raffle prizes to be won,so don’t forget to return your ticket stubs to have a chance to win.This year we will be using the Yr 5/6 classrooms for extra craft stalls where you can pick up some lovely gifts.
Christmas Light Switch On The FOSPS Team hold a stall at the Southam Light Switch on, so if you are passing then come and say hi.
Agreed funding so far this year.
- £7.00 for each child