Emergency School Closures

It is the policy of the school to make every effort to remain open whenever possible.

The decision to close the school either before or during the school day will be made by the Headteacher. The school will only close if one or more of the following conditions apply:

· Insufficient staff are able to come in to keep the school running safely

· Conditions on site are dangerous

· Conditions are considered to be or anticipated to later become too hazardous to travel.


Once the decision has been made the information is relayed to:

· The school website- www.southamprimary.com

School Facebook page

Class Dojo

· Warwickshire school closure website site  and text messaging site www.warwickshire.gov.uk/closures

· Local radio– Mercia FM, Free Radio

 The school will make all practical efforts to keep parents informed as to the situation with the school during adverse weather conditions, as we appreciate that such conditions and the uncertainty places considerable difficulties upon parents. However, parents/ carers are expected to check social media and/ or make themselves aware of the radio broadcast when it is clear that a closure is possible

The school appreciates that during bad weather children may arrive later than normal; parents/ carers should endeavour to contact the school to let staff know they are on their way if likely to be delayed. The school recognises that there will be isolated instances where families are cut off. In such instances parents/ carers should inform the school of the circumstances of this exceptional situation.

In the event of snow some pathways will be cleared and salted. Parents/ carers, children and visitors will be made aware that pathways, even when cleared, do remain dangerous. Children will also be reminded of this in assembly. Parents of children attending the Before and After School club are responsible for ensuring their children so not slide on the playground.

In icy conditions the caretaker will clear and salt the following pathways:

· From the pedestrian gate at the top of St James Road to the school main entrance and the Before and After School club entrance

· From the pedestrian gate in the middle of St James s Road to the key stage 2 main entrance

· From the staff car park to the school main entrance

During adverse weather conditions parents will be able to bring children straight in to school from 8:35am onwards.

During adverse weather conditions the playground may be out of bounds to parents/ carers and children at the beginning and end of the school day, and if the Headteacher decides it necessary, at break times as well.


If the weather deteriorates during the day

In the event of the school having to close during the day due to worsening weather or similar unforeseen circumstances the decision will be published on the school website, Class Dojo, Facebook page, Warwickshire school closure website and local radio.

If parents/ carers arrive before the designated closure time to collect their child/ children, they will be asked to sign out their child/ children at the school office and a member of staff will collect the child/ children from their classroom.

If parents/ carers arrive at the designated closure time they will asked to collect their child/ children from their classroom and their class teacher kept a record of which children had been collected.

Parents/ carers with children in Butterflies, Ladybirds, Puffin, Sparrow, Heron and Penguin classes should use the outside classroom doors. All other classes should access the school through the main entrance .

Parents/ carers of any children who are not collected by the designated time will be contacted by the Headteacher or office staff. Staff will remain on site until all the children have been collected so if parents/ carers do not receive the message or find it difficult to get to the school do not have to worry about their child/ children - they will be looked after until they can be collected.