Performance Data

End of Key Stage 2 Results - 2023

Children achieving scaled score of 100 or more :

Reading: 80% (National average 73%)
Writing: 70% (National average 72%)

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 80% (National average 72%)
Mathematics: 80% (National average 73%)

Reading, writing and maths combined: 68% (National average 60%)


Children achieving working at greater depth/ high standard:

Reading 32%

Writing 20%

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 52%

Maths 41% 

Reading, writing and maths combined: 16% 


Average Scaled Score Per Pupil:

Reading- 106 

Grammar, punctuation and spelling- 109

Maths- 107


Average Progress:

Reading - 2.5

Writing- 2.0

Maths- 3.6


Early Years Foundation Stage- 2023 

The number of children who achieved a Good Level of Development at the end of Reception- 84% ( National average 67%)


End of Key Stage 1 Results - 2023


Children achieving the expected standard or higher:

Reading:80% (National average 68%)
Writing: 67% (National average 60%)
Mathematics: 78% (National average 76%)